Monday, May 2, 2011

The Best Ways to Up Your Page Rank

Search and Rescue by brian n ann

Automatic SEO Software

As far as high page rank is concerned there is only one thing you need to do: consistently work on positive search engine optimization methods. No matter what your niche is or who your target audience may be, if you aren't working to properly optimize your site then your page rank isn't going to rise to the top. There's only one reason there is any type of page ranking system at all and that's because search engines were looking for the best way to identify which sites best meet the needs of the searcher according to the terms and keywords that are being typed in. When you don't take the time to make sure you're optimizing for search engines; how can you expect other sites to link to yours? How can you expect Google to know what your targeted keyword is if you aren't going out of your way to make it clear? Make sure you're not only focusing on off-page SEO but also on-page SEO.

Getting links from other high page ranked sites is a great way to build your sites page rank. If you do a little searching of your own around the 'net you'll discover that most of the sites that get a lot of links coming into them offer high quality and unique content on their site. It really does make sense when you think about it. Content is still King when it comes to page rank and good quality content gets the better rank.

Whatever you do, do not use copied content on your website. All content should offer value to the reader and should be original. Original content is what all site owners should have on their websites. Google likes to see original content. Copied content should never be used on your website. Even if you are the original author of the content you are wanting to copy. Just say no and don't use it. Don't cut corners and use copied content. You don't want your site to fall out of grace with Google.

The goal of Google is to provide people who use Google with original, high value, and relevant content.

Consider all the high page rank directories. You can get tons of new exposure simply by submitting your site to these directories. It's a simple matter to make your site's page rank go higher and higher by submitting it to more and more directories. For the most part you can find plenty of free directories where you can submit your site but that doesn't mean there aren't some quality paid options like Yahoo! Directory available too. Keep a lookout when you're surfing the net for directories where you can submit your own site fast and easy.

It doesn't matter if your website is big or small, old or new, broad or narrow - you will always need fresh traffic coming in if you want to see long term results on a consistent basis. If you aren't getting targeted traffic for your site or blog it will be almost impossible to get the conversions you're looking for. You won't be able to capture leads or generate sales either. Boosting your page rank will be just what is needed to help you really get that targeted traffic that your site will not be able to thrive without.

Article source: Lauretta Mounsey ( fbf88c95 ) is a prolific guest blogger and they also specializes in seo services more details of which can be discovered on their web site or blog...

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